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Snapper Frames


Snapper Frames

We manufacture high quality snapper frames in all standard sizes. It is a simple yet effective indoor and outdoor display unit.

Snapper Frames
(Poster Frames)

Supplied with:
- Protective clear cover

Print process:
- NA

Material Used:
- Aluminium

Available Sizes:

- A0 Snapper Frame  (discontinued)
- A1 Snapper Frame
- A2 Snapper Frame
- A3 Snapper Frame
- A4 Snapper Frame

Single/Double Sided:
- NA

- NA
- NA
- NA
- NA


- 20 x 89 x 120cm (0.1kg) (discontinued)
- 20 x 62 x 80cm (0.1kg)
- 20 x 45 x 62cm (0.1kg)
- 31 x 42 x 20cm (0.1kg)
- 25 x 32 x 5cm (0.1kg)


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